I've almost adopted a Loved Before bear on a couple of occasions but I've dithered and lost out to someone with faster fingers. However, as soon as I clapped eyes on Arthur I knew he'd be heading to Devon. In fact, I've never put something into my basket so fast in my life! You see, I already have a much loved Arthur (a Gund) and I couldn't leave another Arthur who looked so much like him alone and unloved.
All week, 'old' Arthur (on the right) has been asking where 'new' Arthur is and today! Hooray! Our postie delivered him. New Arthur is a Russ bear who's obviously had a bit of poofing and pampering (but I'm sure with a few cuddles he'll soon settle down into handsome scruffiness) and a long journey. Old Arthur is a bit envious of new Arthur's bow, so I may have to do something about that.
Both Arthurs are totally thrilled to make each other's acquaintance and are now going to have a well-earned nap together.